Meng-Ju Lin received both B.S and PhD degree from the department of Life Science, National Taiwan University, with honors. During his PhD training, he worked in Dr. Shyh-Jye Lee's laboratory to study developmental biology and signaling involved in morphogenesis. He had been working on understanding of the role of Stathmin-4, an important microtubule associated protein, in manipulating the neurogenesis of dorsal midbrain, using Danio rerio (zebrafish) as a model. He also has been investigating the potential role of innate immunity participating in zebrafish lateral line wound repair and regeneration. As a developmental biologist, Meng-Ju is fascinated with how individual cells interact differentially to various environmental cues and how these signaling network instruct the stem cell fate in development and regeneration. Outside of the lab, Meng-Ju enjoys playing volleyball and singing, as well as getting to learn playing guitar. Meng-Ju is excited to continue his research interests with Dr. Lu to explore the dynamics of individual stem cells during morphogenesis and regeneration of the skin.