Skin Club Meeting

Jie Tong, PhD in Biomedical Engineering, and collaborator in the lab from the NYU Tandon School of Engineering was selected to give oral presentation at NYC skin club at Mount Sinai on her unpublished work “Spatial Signaling and Mechanosensation Facilitates Sweat Gland Development and Regeneration.”

FRT Meeting

Catherine was invited to present in the 27th annual scientific meeting of Fondation René Touraine (FRT) on the topic of “Skin Appendages – Developmental and Pathophysiological Aspects”. This meeting took place in the Musee des Moulages (Saint-Louis Hospital, Paris, France) where a spectacular collection of wax models of diseased skin from the 19th century is on display.

Ciara Joins lab

Ciara Mae Mendoza is a Cell Biology graduate student at Sackler. She graduated from Rutgers University, Newark in 2015, with a degree in Biology and a minor in Chemistry. After graduation, she worked in Dr. Jessica Ware’s lab, studying insect systematics, and panmixia in the dragonfly species Pantala flavescens. She looks forward to continuing her training in the Lu lab and studying sweat gland development.

Christian Joins Lab

Christian received both his MS degree in Molecular Genetics and his PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Bonn in Germany. During his PhD he identified microRNAs that regulate expression levels of genes involved in migration of cerebellar granule cells in mice. At Rockefeller University he switched from murine cerebellar development to human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research to understand the inherited neurodevelopmental disorder known as Huntington’s disease (HD). Now at the Lub Lab Christian looks forward to integrating his knowledge from human ES cell signaling to create human complex skin with appendages.

Ray (Meng-ju) joins the lab

Ray received both B.S and PhD degrees from the department of Life Science, National Taiwan University, with honors. During his PhD training, he worked in Dr. Shyh-Jye Lee’s laboratory to study developmental biology and signaling involved in morphogenesis. Meng-Ju is excited to continue his research interests with Dr. Lu to explore the dynamics of individual stem cells during morphogenesis and regeneration of the skin. 

Juliana joins the lab

Juliana graduated from Columbia University in 2017 with a degree in Neuroscience and Behavior. As an undergraduate, she researched in Dr. Richard Axel’s lab studying the neural mechanisms that govern egg-laying behavior in Drosophila. Juliana looks forward to integrating her scientific and clinical interests in the Lu lab in her training to become a physician-scientist.