Landy fellowship was made possible through a generous gift to NYU School of Medicine for medical students. To be eligible for this award, students must commit to an experience that combines clinical shadowing and research. Congrats, Lindsey! We are looking forward to working with you!
Gordon Research Conference (GRC)
Catherine was invited to present In Gordon Research Conference (GRC) for Salivary Glands and Exocrine Biology, in the session of “Exocrine Gland Development: Cell Plasticity, Fate and Morphology.” A wonderful meeting that brings together experts in the field of exocrine gland biology to discuss the advances in glandular research. Â

Catherine was invited to present a seminar at University of Cambridge, UK.
Gurdon Institute and MRC-Wellcome trust Stem Cell Institute. It was a great visit to meet with a few excellent stem cell biologists there. Discussions were truly inspiring!

Catherine was invited to give a talk at the 2nd NYU Biomedical and Biosystems conference.
This is an annual conference series sponsored by NYU Tandon School of Engineering and NYU Abu Dhabi, to address topics at the transdisciplinary interface of engineering and medicine, spanning the spectrum from fundamental research to application and translation into practice. We are looking forward very much to future collaborations with Dr Weiqiang Chen’s group in microfluidic systems and mechanosensing mechanisms to study sweat gland biology!

Finally, a lab space!
We are located on the second floor of Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine. Being part of the new program of Regenerative Medicine, we are fortunate to have amazing colleagues Mayumi Ito, Philipp Leucht, Dan Ceradini (links below) next door and across the hallway.
Meaghan joined the lab. The lab doubles its size instantly!
Meaghan just graduated from Barnard College of Columbia University in May 2018, with a degree in Biology and a minor in Anthropology. She is excited to have the opportunity to live and work in New York City, to explore new museums and restaurants, and to continue her research experience with Dr. Lu.